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Added all available RSS-Feeds as links in the header
blog post
I finally found out, why Konqeror never discovered the RSS-Feeds on TikiWiki pages. That was actually a no-brainer. The content-type of the RSS-Feeds was set to 'application/xml', which is no correct
An extreme rant on WCAG 2
blog post
.. can be found on the single most valuable site to website-developers ever: A list apart . Joe Clark has some very intriguing points to make about [
Back from Conférence PHP Quebec in Montreal
blog post
Yesterday evening I came back from Montreal, where I was giving [|my talk on the virtualized server
Blogroll-module is available from tw.o now
blog post
Today I took off some hours (yes, for my small brain it took that long) to play with TikiWiki mods and put the blogroll-module t
Created a blogroll-module for TikiWiki
blog post
I lately got a bit into Tiki-coding again. And when I today decided to clean up the subscriptions in my aKregator, I also quickly decided, that it's time to create a blogroll-module for Tiki. You can
Decentralized VCSs really seem to be too good to be true
blog post
I have been dreaming of decentralized Version Control Systems since I heard of them. GnuBrain switched to darcs recently and today I decided to ch
Digital Sins revisited
blog post
In the bootstrapping of the trollparty there were already some interesting discussions on #trollparty. One of them was with qopi aka [ got RSS Feeds back :)
blog post
Yup, my Püppi discovered this and that's for sure the best thing since ice moulds for the refrigerator.
It was also a good occassion to test the [
Gnome searches for a CMS
blog post
Bergie blogged that yesterday and Midgard is evaluated there, too.
Marc LaPor
Had a good coding session
blog post
Tiki Freetag Folksonomy Tagging (TFFT ;) ) is now a full-blown feature in 1.10 HEAD. It has pretty much everything, that it needs:
Admin screen
On top of that you can really
Informationweek about Wiki's, including good slogans by Marc LaPorte
blog post
Informationweek seems to support open, collaborative information exchange by telling executives all around the world, how great Wikis are:
Installed Dovecot and Postfix
blog post
Debian starts to annoy me like anything that tries to be smarter than me. Gentoo is a nice system sayin: "I'm just a distro, I'm dumb, tell me what you want!", but Debian tries to tell me, w
Interesting IRC-Chat about the TikiWiki development model
blog post
00:05:59 batawata: I think issues like this object, search, wysiwyca, etc, need a tiki2 to be solved
00:06:32 amette: or a rethinking of tiki-deve
My first external trackback! :D
blog post
Woohoo, with the previous post I trackbacked pixelsebi's blog. The trackback in his blog doesn't look too nice (it has just "blog" as title of the trackback), but man,
Praise to our TikiGirl
blog post
This blog post is dedicated to sylvieg - one of the rare women in open source, one of the best coders I know and one of the cornerstones of Tiki community!
She is not
Registration rampage for the sake of distribution
blog post
Before new years eve I was thinking about what I could make my new years promise. I came up with a very good one(which I then didn't recall on new years eve ;) ): be more fatalist !
I have been cl
Speaking of Tiki - 1.9.3(.1) is out
blog post
Yup, yup, interesting, but I forgot to mention it in the roundup-post : TikiWiki 1.9.3 was released - and just some hours later
Yeah, the re
The holy grail of CSS-based knowledge-lodging coming to TikiWiki
blog post
My bro created *lite! (pronounce: "star light" - that's the wildcard). According to him *lite! means: "<wha
The Root Server Setup takes much longer than expected
blog post
I expected, that they have always a couple of servers spare and if an order comes in, they just hack it into their system and the automagic starts: assign a server to a customer, copy the image of the
Short Bio
Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV