
XPlanet rocks

Published on Tue 15 of Nov, 2005
I started to use XPlanet as my desktop-background about a week ago to help out a friend setting it up. Today I played some more with it and I have to say, that it rocks big time. Apparantly it's a complete 3S (Solar System Simulation ;) ). This afternoon I added the ISS to my earth-view and this evening I found out, that one can render nearly any view of our planetary system. Earth/Night view is lame, current cloud-cover (hmm, 3C ;) ) is a little more fancy, seeing where the ISS is currently is nifty - but having a textured and bumb-mapped moon cruising around a bumb mapped earth, that shows with colors the average oil-usage and major cities; well, that's pretty fancy! ;)

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Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV

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