
Some XPlanet shots

Published on Thu 17 of Nov, 2005

I somehow lost my brigthStars background.. hmm, perhaps it only shows at night? We'll see.. ;)

Since currently the moon is a little hard to get into a picture with a reasonably sized earth, I fell back to a command-line from the XPlanet homepage. It shows the eclipse of December 4, 2002, as seen from the Sun at 6 AM UTC. My shot has additionally the moon-orbit projected as well as the ISS including its orbit and projection onto the earth:
Well, the cloud cover isn't real for sure (it's of course the current cloud cover as it is now ;) ).

For absolutely astonishing shots of XPlanet, see:

I'll post some more, when there are good pictures here! :)

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Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV

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