
Had a consultation today about two of the five subjects

Published on Tue 22 of Nov, 2005

This consultation was very good, I have to admit. I contacted the people of the area of expertise, I always was most unclear about(the ones with the tests, where they ask to draw certain pictures.. ;) ).
The main professor is gone since some time now, so I was visiting his fugleman - Mrs. Barb Scheller. No, that first name is no abbreviation. She was very nice although she didn't let me say much. I just began my sentence with "Well, I wanted to get a general overv..." and she started to make a complete processmanagement walkthrough in 20 min. - during which I didn't talk too much.. ;)
After that I moved to the next guy, Mr. Petsch, who does IT-Strategy. Well, he was nice, too and stabilized my thinking, that it can't be that hard.
So, now I'll create some abstract from the highlights of the Barb-session..
Good day until now! :)

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Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV

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