
The first blog I'll add to my feeds since a loong, long time.. :)

Published on Sat 26 of Nov, 2005

And it's worth it! :)
Henry the Adequate is a super-hero! And a damn smart one!
I just wanted to read a Damn Small Linux review and found this blog, that promises to be a lot of fun.. :)

I haven't had Blogs in my feeds since I lost them all due to HDD-fullness. But with this one I will start again! :)
Just, where die Henry put this freakin' RSS-icon...?? :(

Damn, if I just were a superhero like him... then this wouldn't be any problem for me..

Short Bio [toggle]

Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV

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