
To be or not to be...

Published on Thu 01 of Dec, 2005
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:25:42
IT-Sytems in production plants was pure 5 (on a scale of 1-5)...
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:25:53
.. so worst.. ;)
Nachricht von luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:26:19
oh, so how come you made it ? ;)
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:26:44
Then the professor of my knowledge mangement stuff gave me for two subjects in total 1,7 ;)
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:27:39
next two different profs from one area of expertise...
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:27:53
.. the two I told about in the blog..
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:28:33
IT-Strategy was 3,7 and
Process management was 3,3
Barb did the process management and most of the time talked herself again.. ;)
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:28:56
... somehow unclear, but ok..
overall 3,0..
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:29:18
.. better as it would have been, if I would have gone to the last missing test... ;)
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:30:29
perhaps the best dialogue from the whole thing still with the professor of my area of expertise...
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:33:16
eXtreme Programming...
.. yeah, cool, I thought.. let's talk...
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:34:53
"What's so eXtreme at it?"
"It's lightweight, agiile,
meaning, no specific software development model,
it's more a package of methods and techniques."
goes to Code is the Documentation
"What does that mean?"
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:36:02
"That the Code is as readable as possible"
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:36:18
"Aha, what's so eXtreme about it?"
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:36:29
"If it's not readable, we refactor!"
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:36:37
"Aha, what's so eXtreme about it?"
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:36:58
"Functions are clearly named,
you can read the code as documentation!"
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:37:07
"Aha, what's so eXtreme about it?"
Nachricht von luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:37:13
uh oh :)
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:37:29
last resort, the 'obvious'...
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:37:43
"That there is no other documentation..?"
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:37:54
Nachricht an luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:37:58
Nachricht von luci, Zeitpunkt: 14:38:24
good :)

I am..

Short Bio [toggle]

Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV

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