
TikiFest Barcelona 2012

Published on Sat 29 of Sep, 2012

Group picutre at the last day of TikiFest BCN 2012 (missing gezza)
The Tiki crowd on the last day (Gezza is missing). /via luciash

Last month we had TikiFest Barcelona 3 (or 2012 depending on which way you prefer to count). I think I rarely worked that much per day or even in a week as I did there. The first night I had about four hours of sleep, then going down to three and after that it was slowly going up. Having a headache on the last day was probably inevitable with that kind of schedule.

Anyways.. we managed to work out the discrepancies in the perception of what WorkSpaces really are and also clarified issues with features that tried to mimic WorkSpaces, like the badly names 'Areas'. In Tiki 10 (October 2012) there will be real Wiki NameSpaces that in combination with Perspectives allow for creating full-blown WorkSpaces across all features. If you don't understand what I'm telling you here - don't worry, it's the Tiki way of doing things. Available features are plugged together to create amazing new ones. :)

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Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV

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