
Browsing Gallery: hoerschaden.de boot 2008 Help

hoerschaden.de Party in Berlin 2008 starting with a cruise on the Spree, going to [http://www.kikiblofeld.de/|Kiki Blofeld] and having a nap in the park on the next day.

Gallery Images

ID Name Created Hits User Filesize
179  2008-06-01-045.jpg  Tue 03 of Jun, 2008 00:20 CEST  13386  amette  243.32 Kb 
180  2008-06-01-046.jpg  Tue 03 of Jun, 2008 00:20 CEST  14640  amette  362.38 Kb 
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Short Bio [toggle]

Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV

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