Now this guy is cool! He started with a red paperclip and now has an 'instant party with a keg full of beer'. He'll go on trading in his blog until he has a house! :)
See yourself at the One Red Paperclip Blog.
I had reeeeaallly slow startup-times with OOo 2.0 - around one or two minutes.
I then found out, that those minutes are used for searching for a usable Java Runtime Environment. I have Blackdown-Java installed - but that's not good enough. On the net I even read, that some people had to install the 32bit version of Sun Java...
I just disabled the use of Java and voila, it starts up quickly.. nevertheless - I think, this behaviour is a little bit questionable...!?
I activated the Tiki-Cache, because I link a lot to external sites. To keep the links in the blog-posts intact 'forever', I decided to activate the cache-feature. The pages get cached, when you view a page with an external link in it. So at the moment you only got four 'updated' posts, because I only viewed the latest blog-posts. It might happen, that there will be more.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
If you don't yet understand, that software is not like a chair - read this!
And even if you understand it, you most probably often have a hard time explaining people, what's the problem. Both ways, this is for you:
Owning ideas by Andrew Brown