Published on Sun 19 of Jun, 2005

Looks like I should call it mose's wisdom... ;)

15:59:12 yoni - ... ok... i could be wrong as i have submitted it a while ago and i've been told it was included.
15:59:22 mose - submitted ? included ?
15:59:29 mose - it doesn't work that way man
15:59:35 mose - you commit, or you do not
15:59:56 mose - nobody will do your commits instead you explicitely ask for that and beg longly
Published on Fri 17 of Jun, 2005

15:38:36 Wesley1 : and then.. how can i help this project?
15:38:37 mose : see it more like a cluster of geeks
15:39:44 Wesley1 : humm

Published on Tue 07 of Jun, 2005

Newest Blog-identity-crisis is over, now this is honestly amette's Open Blog.

Hope you'll like the stuff..

Published on Tue 07 of Jun, 2005

00:08:45 mose ~mose@mose.tikiwiki hat #tikiwiki-de betreten
00:09:05 mose : no bot here
00:09:17 toggg : ))Sm0kEr((,
00:09:30 mose : he's not a bot
00:09:40 mose : he's gsmoker, a member of tikiwiki community
00:10:06 toggg : ))Sm0kEr(( ah ? c'est indro ?
00:10:22 mose : pff
00:10:29 toggg : ))Sm0kEr((, zeige page
00:10:32 ))Sm0kEr(( : toggg: bilder, downloads, forum, freund, nachricht, news, punkte, registrieren, spiele, umfragen, voten, and wiki
00:10:32 mose ~mose@mose.tikiwiki hat #tikiwiki-de verlassen

Published on Thu 07 of Apr, 2005

That's of course pretty clear, but never the less: think of it! Think of it concretely from this point of view!

Copyleft is a completely legal method of almost-circumventing the restrictions legislation makes on brainwork.

Our forefathers made the best decisions they could! And I won't never ever blame them for doing those decisions! Hell, they gave us the opportunity to create a totally legal Copyleft based on Copyright!

So where are we headin'?

Based on the developing conciousness of the masses and a truely networked world we could be heading to a really desirable future in which rules what I shall call the Kant'sche Copyright:

Thou shalt only do those kind of things to information, of those thou desire to become a general maxim for the usage of information!

So foul and fair a day I have not seen!

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Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV

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