
Updated this site and added experimental Google-Maps module

Published on Fri 09 of Jun, 2006

While I was at catching up with Tiki-development, I also decided to give a fuc# about other people breaking CVS and updated this site to the latest CVS. This essentially means, that you don't have no AJAX in Freetag-browsing any more. But well, there are worse things. Freetag browsing isn't used that much anyways, as far as I can tell from logs.

On the other hand, there's now a neat Google-Maps module to show you, where I am. Yes, yes, I don't like google(1,2,3,4,5 at least), but I told you to be more fatalist. ;)
So there it is! Building on mose's work around the google-maps API, I created a hackish module, that shows my location on a Google Map in a Tiki-module (to be seen in the right column).
I won't commit it for now, since mose has some severe privacy-checks in his original google-maps-implementation and I don't yet know, how to do that appropriately in a module. The code is also very immature, so I won't put it in my file gallery either. If anyone wants to have it never the less, mail me. Otherwise it will be published 'when it's done'.

Short Bio [toggle]

Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV

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