Decentralized VCSs really seem to be too good to be true
I have been dreaming of decentralized Version Control Systems since I heard of them. GnuBrain switched to darcs recently and today I decided to check it out more thoroughly. Although I got the basic idea before, I today realized how damn cool that is! Let's have a look at how I tried to sell it to my bro:
[23:09:27] <amette> let's have a look at darcs from a practical perspective... [23:09:51] <amette> ... I create a cpaint AJAX implementation in Tiki - and I do so only on my system... [23:10:20] <amette> ... batawata checks it out from - and decides that xajax is much cooler and goes rebuilding it... [23:11:01] <amette> ... I say "Damn, cool!" and check it out from his system - by virtually doing a "cvs up" from his system - so I get his modifications into my system... [23:11:24] <amette> ... I see it breaks everything - I fix it - and commit it back to batawatas repository.... [23:11:35] <amette> ... now he and I both have a Tiki that works.... [23:12:29] <luciash> cool, but it sounds like a fairytale :D [23:12:43] <amette> ... then batawata decides to again "refactor" - I check it out from him, but this time I'm more careful - I make a 1:1 copy of my localhost-repository before (I don't trust him any more and I don't want to have any fixing/rollback(which is actually easy) to do).... [23:13:06] <amette> hehe, yeah - fairytale - I wanna see it in action, too - but I'm almost there to belive it ;) [23:13:09] <luciash> i need real case example [23:13:14] <luciash> :D [23:13:26] <amette> ... I see at the copy, that it doesn't work, so I just delete it and work on my stuff.... [23:13:47] <amette> ... meanwhile others check out from me (or him) because they believe more in his or my implementation.... [23:14:04] <amette> ... so we create clumps in the social code-network.... [23:14:10] <luciash> nice. you should write it down somewhere, veli [23:14:53] <amette> ... and meanwhile xavi just checks out the 'central' repository, where only patches go, that are considered to be working - so xavi never has any trouble with a non-working wiki-edit or anything...
Damn, that distribution factor isn't to be underestimated!
It would kill the 3Rules as we know them! Tiki development could again be thriving and kicking!