Room outlook package added to file gallery
While chatting with lorinc today in #trollparty it turned out, that his dad has been studying here in Ilmenau, too! World is small! :)
12:25:03] lorinc - amette: do you live in ilmenau, or "only" studying? [12:25:31] amette - only studying [12:26:18] niclone [] hat #trollparty betreten [12:26:20] lorinc - my father studied there as well some 30-40 years back ;) [12:26:31] lorinc - its a small world ;) [12:26:33] amette - weee, kewl! :) [12:26:35] lorinc - hi niclone [12:26:37] amette - Yeah, really small! :) [12:26:41] niclone - hola [12:26:51] lorinc - he asked which "block" you were living in... ;) [12:27:13] lorinc - i showed him our caracas webcam initiative ;) [12:27:14] amette - I'm not living on Campus, but on "Stollen" - he'll know that, too! ;) [12:27:51] amette - hehe, yeah, I'm sure, I'll recognize any block-image for my whole life, too! :) [12:28:11] lorinc - r1: i dunno any well-paying jobs around, but i would recommend the feel of living in budapest, ;P [12:28:34] lorinc - amette: i will tell him the "truth" ... he even wanted to see an outside shot ;) [12:29:44] lorinc going out for lunch... brb [12:32:10] amette - lorinc : hehe, ok, tell him ;) - I'll provide you with an outside shot later! :) - going for a smoke now
So here's a panorama-image package with additional location information - amette_room-outlook_20060116.tar.bz2 - dedicated to one of Ilmenau's pioneers! ;)