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Digital Sins revisited
blog post
In the bootstrapping of the trollparty there were already some interesting discussions on #trollparty. One of them was with qopi aka [
IRC is fun :D
blog post
I'm just catching up with the happening while being away. TikiWiki CVS is done, Trollparty mailing-list, too - now I was just shortly looking. what happened on IRC #trollparty while being away - damn,
Room outlook package added to file gallery
blog post
While chatting with lorinc today in #trollparty it turned out, that his dad has been studying here in Ilmenau, too! World is small! :)
Stallman @ Trollparty
blog post
RMS was yesterday's special guest at the Trollparty tent in Caracas. He speaks fluent spanish, I was pretty surprised by that. And he kept saying "GNU con Linux" -
Trolling gets rolling
blog post
Today is the first official day of the Trollparty in Caracas . There were some problems with getting internet connection working etc., but the most important stuff seems
Trolling in Ilmenau
blog post
Trollparty official day one was celebrated in Caracas today and it seems to have been pretty successful. I saw some of the stream @ and everything seemed to
Trolling rolls on
blog post
Trollparty 2006 Caracas
{CODE(caption=>Trolling on #trollparty)}
00:25:08 -r1- &esfr et si je fais ca ? :)
00:25:10 -H0ney- r1: et si je fais ca ? :)
Trollparty is 'over'...
blog post
... since three days now - and actually it's not really over. On IRC the people still meet and already start talking about the next Trollparties. It seems, that south-america will be a hotspot for the
What's a brain?
blog post
17:41:31 <bureado> "Brain? What's that?" - George Bush
17:42:06 <mose> Bureau of Retaliation and Investigation about Normalpeople
Short Bio
Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV