I heard about this already some years ago - and despite the Daimler Chrysler manager supporting it, never anything noticeable happened. But it seems like since the start of this year, the project tries to get booted. The opened up to the public completely and have a new site!
Damn, people - this is a huuuge project!! There's something in it for everone! Not only car enthusiasts or machinists! No, they also look for people designing navigation systems and the like! It's biiig! :)
My flat sharer is not so much convinced: "They need to find a decent CAD sytem first. And they need translators, I can't do much with english!" - Yeah, that's the way it works. We don't need guys looking for and collaborate on good open source CAD-systems, we don't need guys, who want to learn english to collaborate or translate. Let the others do it - and if they did it, then we can join and shout out loud: "Hey, I was in that project!"
Watching TV is sooo much easier - and it gives a good feeling, too....
.... for some people.