Published on Mon 19 of Jun, 2006


I have been to finland with my Püppi. Yep, didn't tell you before, but it was some pretty short-handed decision. My grandfather invited us and since last thursday (and friday) Yvonne had a holiday, it was a perfect occassion to use. We had some very tight programme there. First day five hours Helsinki extreme-tourist-guiding, then to Lappeenranta. There again one day the same, next day a little chillier and in the evening to the weekend home of my grandfather staying there over night. Next day eating Atomi and Vety on the market-place, some more sight-seeing and to the party of an old friend in the evening. Sunday then was mostly chill-out and it actually was almost impossible to move outside, because it was so hot! And on monday we already left around 0800 o'clock.

Pictures are to come - though there aren't any pictures of the weekend home! :O
Yvonne wanted to take pictures and I also promised my bro to take pictures there, but then Yvonne was so taken by the peace and beauty of the place and I was so relaxed, too - that we completely forgot about it - sorry! :-/

Published on Mon 12 of Jun, 2006

I finally found out, why Konqeror never discovered the RSS-Feeds on TikiWiki pages. That was actually a no-brainer. The content-type of the RSS-Feeds was set to 'application/xml', which is no correct content-type at all. It has to be 'application/rss+xml', 'application/rdf+xml' or 'application/atom+xml' depending on what type of feed it is. Well, committed for now to CVS with just 'application/rss+xml' for all of 'em.

And I added all the available feeds to the header of this site - check your shiny RSS-icon in your browser! ;)

Published on Sun 11 of Jun, 2006

Alright, we just finished releasing Tiki 1.9.4. You can get it at SourceForge.

There's a problem with the secdb recognizing two files as hostile (which we only realized after the release), but that will be fixed in the next 24 hours.

Published on Fri 09 of Jun, 2006

While I was at catching up with Tiki-development, I also decided to give a fuc# about other people breaking CVS and updated this site to the latest CVS. This essentially means, that you don't have no AJAX in Freetag-browsing any more. But well, there are worse things. Freetag browsing isn't used that much anyways, as far as I can tell from logs.

On the other hand, there's now a neat Google-Maps module to show you, where I am. Yes, yes, I don't like google(1,2,3,4,5 at least), but I told you to be more fatalist. ;)
So there it is! Building on mose's work around the google-maps API, I created a hackish module, that shows my location on a Google Map in a Tiki-module (to be seen in the right column).
I won't commit it for now, since mose has some severe privacy-checks in his original google-maps-implementation and I don't yet know, how to do that appropriately in a module. The code is also very immature, so I won't put it in my file gallery either. If anyone wants to have it never the less, mail me. Otherwise it will be published 'when it's done'.

Published on Fri 09 of Jun, 2006

Today I took off some hours (yes, for my small brain it took that long) to play with TikiWiki mods and put the blogroll-module there.
mose updated tw.o mods shortly after and now you can get it from mods.tikiwiki.org. With a standards TikiWiki-install, that mods-provider is already preset - so rock on! :)

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Born, went to school, started hacking on free software, did some major high availability sysadmin work in between, now back to my original passion: managing knowledge. :) -- Long CV

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